Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just Like That

Imagine your mind working in overdrive at this very second. Imagine all the thoughts moving around, the realisations and understandings coming through. Imagine your heart as a hummingbird's wings. 1000 beats per second.

Badoom. Badoom. Badoom.
Now, imagine they both stop. Just like that. Stopped. Imagine the silence. Lonely, isn't it? Painful, maybe?
Imagine this being your whole life. Crazy one minute, then deadly quiet the next.
This is now who I am. This is now my life. It doesn't seem possible, simply because what feels like a minute, a second ago, everything was fine. Everything seemed good. Ano now, it's destroyed. Completely wrecked, from the inside out, and I can't handle it.

Imagine a blazing fire, eating up everything in it's path. Producing light and warmth, and maybe even protection from the storm. Now, imagine it gone. Just like that. Disappeared. Imagine this fire as what was supposedly our love. Our hearts. What we lived off.
And now it's no more.
Don't imagine it this time- feel it. Because this is now reality. This is the new world. Yesterday came and went.
Gone. Finished. Over.
Like us. We're broken, over, done for.
Now we're falling, and I don't know how hard I'll hit the ground. Maybe, just like that, I'll disappear. Be gone too.
Just like that.

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