Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dreams Or Nightmares?

I just feel so angry and burned up inside. Because I want to talk to you, and hear the reassurance in your voice, telling me that everything will be okay. I want so badly to let you into my mind, and show your all this pain. And I can't understand why, because you're the one creating it.
Because of you, I need reassurance, but because of you, now there is nothing and I am alone.
I'm circling through this darkness, wondering where and when to turn. I'm lying on the ground, feeling naked and cold, and just so confused. I keep telling myself that this is just some sick nightmare, some twisted painful dream. I keep waiting for that moment when I'll wake up. I'll see sunlight streaming in through my window, and there you'll be. My heart still safe with you, beating securely in your chest.
And I'll turn to you, to tell you about these strange dreams, and turn to your warm embrace for warmth and understanding.
It has to be a dream, I'll tell myself. It had to be a dream.
But then, I'll really wake up, to the thunder and cold droplets of rain outisde my window, and I'll be alone.
You won't be there. To hold me. Comfort me. Love me.
I'll be lying there in the dark beneath my sheets, realisation slowly becoming clearer.
And I'll see that you really are gone.
You've left me, this, everything, and you've taken my heart, the heart that you promised to care for, with you.
Forever gone.
Where light just fades to grey.

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