Monday, October 11, 2010

The Day Before It Ended. Like A 6th Sense, I Knew

Just realise that day by day, minute by minute, second by second, you're tearing my heart up, burning the pieces and burying the ashes.
You're ruining my soul by making me love you. You're melting my mind with a white hot rod by making me obsess over you.
You're stripping me down of all the good things that make me who I am, just by being you, by being who you are.
It leaves me breathless when I think of holding you. It used to be satisfactory- now I'm just choking back tears. I'm clutching this bruised, withered heart that we still somehow share, wishing I could make it shine and glow. Wishing I could take back the black and blue bits of it, wishing I could make it beat evenly in our chests.
But as they say, you can't turn back time, so I'll just have to keep on living- living in this confusion and bitter pain that seems to possess my brain every other moment. I'll have to be this way until I can plan, plan some sort of way to save us, and what we once had so long ago. A long ago that was only yesterday, when hearing your voice made me smile, not cringe back in fear.
For I fear you.
I fear you will break me, into so many small uneven pieces. Never again would I be who I am now. I'd be too different- just another lover that walks with their face down through the storms and thunder. Never pausing to find beauty in the rain and bitter cold. I'd just be trying to protect whats left of this broken unrecognisable heart of ours, wondering if I'll ever get it back someday, as my own.
Can't you see what all this is? Can't you see the cogs moving in synchronisation, building up this hurt and fear that we lock away at the back of our minds? Can't you feel the cold wind, blowing around us, pulling us apart?
The frightening thing is that I think I know why I am scared for you. I love you too much to see you wounded, by something that we could have avoided. I also love you too much to warn you of whats to come, because that would make me the one to hurt you, torture you, completely break you. And at the end of the day, it'll be me. And you'll see all along why we couldn't live in harmony as one- because I would have brought all the walls surrounding us crashing down, bringing us to our death.
Will you give me my heart back now?
Before it's too late? Before we rip each other apart from the inside? Because we will.
I just know it.
Like a 6th sense.
I just do.

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