Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Love Can't Be Kind

It seemed to take over my bones and my heart,
That feeling of passion, that love from the start,
My nerves were on fire, my skin felt skin tight,
My eyelids closed slowly as my soul took flight.

Your fingers traced circles, over my hands,
A screaming I thought, my brain couldn't stand,
As light as a feather but heavier than weights,
I gave you my heart and trusted our fate.

You played me a love song while banging on keys,
A lullaby you whispered, as I fell asleep,
Your lips brushed my hairline and lingered on my neck,
A memory I could never begin to forget.

Chasing the sunset, watching the moon,
Knowing our time would surely end soon,
We wished for forever, for eternity to come,
Forgetting reality would soon end our fun.

Now you're alone, as I am too,
Clinging to memory, nursing our wounds,
Wanting so badly to just turn back time,
But darling, remember, love can't be kind.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Little Room

I'll build a room on the corner of this earth, where I can lose myself in absolutely nothing at all, just the air and the colours of purity that exist inside the feelings of serenity.

I won't have to feel love or hate, as I'll be looking at the world from the outside in.
This room will be my safety blanket, my guarantee to calm.
I will find myself here, and my soul will recreate itself anew.
Scarlet blood will turn cherry red, and these grey eyes of mine will soften, and go back to being a light, baby blue.
Just thinking about it, makes me feel better already. At least now I have enough strength to face another day, of the exact opposite.
Oh society, judgement, lies twisted with fear. All plastered together will a fake smile, and willpower to believe in fairtytales.
In this room, this warm place in my heart, I am living in my very own world, and seeing it with a new set of eyes, believing in non-existant things that shine just below the window pane.
I don't want to leave, as I'll lose my head out there.
That harsh, unforgiving world.
Where we grew up.
Where we live.
Maybe there are more little rooms like mine, in the back of other's heads.
Maybe they're like me, and I just haven't met them yet.
Maybe I never will.
I close my eyes and fall back into my corner of my bliss. Let me be, oh,
Please let me be.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It's easier to write a love song about a passion that doesn't exist, rather than to have to rely on the real thing.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Twilight Around Our Hearts

We're left not in the dark, not in the light, but more to stumble through life in this dull enclosing twilight around our hearts.
We're meant to live, we're meant to laugh, but so often we can never tell the difference between the two.
People surround us, going on with their lives and dealing with their problems and decisions. They are like us.
Blinded by the shining luminescent lights of reality.
We run in circles, planning our futures, but we seem to crash into brick walls and walk through mine fields along the way.
We wish for crystal clear vision, for knowledge, but in all truth at the end of the day, we don't know how to make decisions. We don't know how to plan our lives the right way.
So we take shortcuts. We make mistakes and get carried away in the wrong direction. We wish we could turn back the time and start over.
And through all this madness of everyday life, we look in between the lines and between the stars, for that natrual high. That great feeling of power, of passion.
Of love.
We trust ourselves that no matter what else goes on, we will find time to find love. We will let our souls free and keep our hearts in eyes, and see everything around us tinted pink.
We will sacrafice all we have, and all it takes, to simply feel.
To let go of routine, of schedules and time, just to lose ourselves in the beating of anothers heart.
Once we find what we are destined to feel, nothing needs to make sense. We can close our eyes and listen.
We can distance ourselves and see. We can be who ever we want to be.
We are all human at the end of the day, searching for the same things.
Aiming at the same targets, running in the same lane.
We are one. We are the world.
Love is what keeps us from destroying it from the inside out.
Love is what keeps us in tact.
Love is what gives us life.
Life, is simply love.