Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Anyone There?


I've decided that I want this blog to be a writing escape. I don't know if anyone is even reading this, but I'm hoping that maybe someone will stumble across my different thoughts and ideas and read a bit. Just to see how the world works through my eyes.

If you know my real name and a bit about me, then good for you. If you don't, it's not the end of the world.
Music is my passion, and it inspires me to write. One of my main inspirations are feelings. Feelings that the human mind can prosses in a matter of nano seconds, but can't understand. Feelings that we all might know and love, and even if not, still recognise.

I'll be here, often, I hope, just to write. If you're out there, then feel free to keep reading. I'm not looking for a support group of any sort or people to follow this out of pity- I'm just looking for more people like me. Just a few more writers sitting in a coffee shop somewhere, trying to proccess every day feelings and ideas.

Is there anybody out there?

Lets hope so.

-Baby Blue.

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