Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Parents And Previous Generations

They raised us, yet they judge us.
They let us talk, but pass on our secrets.
They want us around, but then want us gone.
They make us stay quiet, then wonder why we're shy.
They indulge us, yet won't let us spend our savings.
They make mistakes, then criticise when we are not perfect.
They assume that behavior is just a phase, then wonder what caused it in the first place.
They think of our moods as typical, when theres so much more behind it.
They look at us as children, when half the time we're more mature than they'd ever be.

Parents and children are good for a while.
Until the other realises where the strength between the two lies.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Song Parts

Parts of songs I'm writing:

Get these images out of my head
I'll close my eyes, do anything
To go stare at a blank wall and feel nothing

Take my hand and walk with me
Don't make me go alone, you'll see
How everything before me is just crashing

You, are awakening
Though your heart is slowly breaking
In to two, and you're stuck with those who love you
Now you're caught up in this mess
This web inside your head
You don't know what to do
You don't know how to choose.


Second song:

Darkness comes in waves of pain
Heartbreak happens everyday
Close your eyes and look around you
See the stars shining above you
Notice how they haven't faded away.

Summer passes quickly through blue skies
Come here, let me dry your eyes
Who are you to tell me how to live my life
Do you even know how to smile and make things right?


Third song:

My feet are cracked
My lips are dry
From walking through the heat
I can't look back
I can't see why
You no longer need me
The rain is falling
My tears of pouring
Down the side of my cheek
You left me alone
All by myself
To rot and grow this weak


Sometimes you suddenly catch yourself wondering about the past. Subcontiously comparing it to your present. Debating weather it's really changed. Sometimes you wish to go back to yesterday, even just for a moment, where things were less complicated and somehow still made sense. From time to time you miss the comfort, the painless journey from one day to the next. Now it's so different, now it's messy and a mission within itself, an impossible task that must silently be completed.

Love, Don't Ever Leave Us

And then when all seemed lost, our bodies morphed together as one, and out hearts composed a symphony between our blazing chests and fast moving lips. Our hands crawled slowly, fingernails raking over our necks as we lay in the wreck and havok. The sunlight peeked through the heavily sewn curtains above our heads, and the room was lit up, slightly pink and buttery. With love intertwined with passion, we held each other still as our lips found their other half, our breathing ragged and uneven with excitement.
For a moment, all was still, and nothing needed to make sense. All the worlds problems and conflicts dissolved around us, as you put your lips to my ear, and whispered "I love you". Like a lullaby, like poetry, like perfection, I lay. Running my fingers through the locks of your hair, and tracing your cheekbones with the back of my thumb, I whispered back "I love you too".
The sun set after hours of warming our backs through the window. We could hear blackbirds singing, and the quiet flap of a hummingbirds wings.
We wished for this always, this feeling of love, and wonder. This feeling thats burning us up from the inside, but making us feel alive. I wish it didn't have to go away, that it didn't have to fade. That it could stay forever, reminding us who we are, and what we're prepared to give.
Love, don't ever leave us.